Monthly Archive: December 2016

Day of Peace

It’s taken me a day or so to write this as I’m still in shock as to what happened. The day after Jude was possibly at the worst I’ve seen him in a long time…he …

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas…

     Inspired by an autism related Twelfth Day of Christmas poem that I saw on Instagram today written by the Autism Society San Diego, I thought I would write one about Jude. Feel free …

Weekend – did you have a good one?

      We all know Jude’s behaviour can be, at best random and at worst, atrocious but this weekend he has surprised me. Friday night was awful and I wasn’t sure how to cope …

Our Girls

So our afternoon was pretty good but when Jude came home he was rather quiet and a bit “weird” but I couldn’t quite put my finger on the problem. Anyway, he didn’t eat his dinner and …

Baby names – what are your thoughts?

Baby names!   I love talking about names, how people choose them, what they mean, etc. so I thought we could have a little discussion on how you chose your children’s names. It’s such a …

The potentially factious topic of boarding

    It’s funny how your views change as you (and your children) get older; individual wants and needs differ with progress and time so you inevitably find yourself contemplating scenarios you once never thought optional.   Today has …

Glossary part 1

  I intended to write an article on the governments disability policies; listing them, analysing them and then saying YAYY it’s all going to be ok! But…and I’d love someone to show me the link I’ve …

Vogue’s 73 Questions!

  Hello!!   So I was nominated in the Vogue 73 Questions by Katie from Mummy in a Tutu – It’s a kind of fun, getting to know you sort of situation. To make it less essay-like, I’ve recorded a …