Monthly Archive: November 2017

Maintaining a Jude

So how many people does it take to maintain a Jude?    This evening I was thinking of all the people we have in Jude’s “team” right now and I took a moment of pride …

Taking on a new role

Elsa and Jude almost three years ago in their favourite cafe     Jude is having a fantastic week, he’s settled and calm and one of his beloved Support Workers has today returned from a …

Walk a mile in my shoes…

  I went along to a GP appointment with Jude yesterday late afternoon and felt completely undermined. It’s the GP surgery used by Jude’s school for all of their pupils so a first time for …

We are lucky

So Elsa and I went to see Jude yesterday and to take him out for lunch. It went amazingly well, no issues with him leaving the house, no real anxiety and a fun time had …


I’ve mentioned it before but Jude has always loved and always been drawn to water.   I don’t know exactly what it is, perhaps it’s the blurry sounds or the light reflecting movement or how …