It’s taken me a day or so to write this as I’m still in shock as to what happened. The day after Jude was possibly at the worst I’ve seen him in a long time…he was lovely! Friendly, helpful, calm, gentle, non confrontational and cordial. And a few times throughout the day, he even told Elsa and I that he loves us. Elsa reacted with apparent incertitude and half-heartedly replied “yep, love you too Jude” but I think when he’s displaying this temperament, he genuinely does mean it.
So, I took advantage of my unexpected opportunity and suggested a trip to the shops for a wander round and a bit of time outside of the house. Being that I’m in a bit of a post-Christmas, pre-new years fog, it hadn’t dawned on me that it was actually a Bank Holiday but thankfully most of the shops were still open.
Prior to embarking on our expedition, I asked Jude to go and find some socks from his room and he did it! Socks! He wore socks! Yes, they are as mismatched as they come but I wasn’t in any place to press for alternatives.
Happy faces! I love that Emmeline is looking at Jude as if to say “are you feeling ok, you’re smiling?!”
And Elsa isn’t pulling her standard stroppy wannabe teenager face for once.
Who are these children?!
So feeling unusually content, we celebrated by all enjoying croissants whilst meandering around town; it was actually quite enjoyable! When Jude is in this mood, he’s amazing to go out with. He chats, picks things up that you’ve accidentally dropped, asks for a drink politely, doesn’t whinge if you say you’d like to go into one more shop. No crazy behaviour, no manic running around and even though he still chats to people, you can feel rest assured he is merely making friends.
Cosy little Emmeline in the forward facing buggy she loves!
With a feeling of motherly smugness fresh in my mind (a moment I’ve been dreaming about for years), we walked back to the car…Jude helped put our bits in the boot (yes, Jude) and we drove off to the garden centre to find Elsa some plants for her flower pots.
Needless to say this place is Jude heaven – “Mum, can I wait by the doors?”
“Errr no, Jude. No customers need to see a shrieking, hysterically laughing boy on entering the store.”
We gave him a few minutes before moving on…no protest from the boy. Miracle.
And this is the biggy.
To conclude our peaceful, amiable and lovely day. The children played TOGETHER in the living room, completing a jigsaw using actual teamwork. Ok, I say teamwork. Jude and Elsa were the team whilst Emmeline sat, enjoying the atmosphere whilst playing with a manky old spoon she’d discovered under the couch.
TOGETHER. TOGETHER. TOGETHER. Jude and Elsa even spoke to each other using genuine kind words.
So there we go…my day of peace.
How has your week been?
That’s just brilliant and good for you! I’ve read a lot of your blog and know this isn’t your average day, bless you, this is amazing! Well done kiddies on letting you have your day. Giving you a warm hug! Thanks for linking up to #familyfun
Sounds like an absolutely heavenly day – it was so nice to read and I am so pleased for you. You can’t beat that feeling of a successful family day and parenting win! Thank you for joining us at #familyfun xx
Very happy to read this – hope you’re still reliving those happy memories, any time you feel more down x