Autism and Support Archive

Parental support

Something I’ve mentioned before (multiple times) but still really bothers me, is the lack of parental support of children with additional needs. Does it even exist? I am so honoured to often hear from parents …

When you meet a good’un

What are your top stresses when it comes to hospital appointments? For me, it’s absolutely that the doctor will be terrible with Jude. To define “terrible” I could give you so many examples but I …

Carers Week

  Today has been my first day sans les enfants since the middle of March. It’s been so peaceful but typically, the hours have whizzed by.   Cravings Are things going back to normal? I …

Coping with a huge change

Jude’s first day in House 2 I’m really nervous. I feel a little bit like I’m betraying Jude this half term as we’re keeping a secret from him that I know is going to cause …

Dentist trips

  I took Jude to the dentist a couple of weeks ago and as usual, it was quite the experience. Jude had struggled in the morning at school, had a full on meltdown before I …

Where will we go next?

Uh oh…she’s over thinking things again… I was reading through old blog posts this evening and it really made me contemplate on how much life has moved on. How different Jude is to the child …

Twenty things to do in one hour

Respite care. I know some of you are in receipt of this truly precious time each week/fortnight/month and I also know how amazing it can be. But BOY does each session whizz by. How does …

I know how you feel

  There’s a new child in Jude’s class who is also staying at his school house. I met them on their first day and it really brought back so many memories for me. Dropping Jude …

Jude has made the world a better place

Birth experience At exactly 5.01am on Monday 20th March 2006, my life changed forever. Well, actually if you want to be pernickety, for the two days prior to that date, my life was already shifting …