admin Archive

Have a Greener Halloween

  Have you ever considered how much plastic is used and wasted during the Halloween season? This week, a friend of mine enlightened me to a few statistics and I’m ashamed to say that it …

Autism and behaviour

  This is a massive subject so naturally I’m only going to touch the edges of it, but it’s something I often wonder about and I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Teaching Jude can …

Finding education

I’m in various Facebook groups for children like Jude who have learning disabilities and a very common discussion theme emerges on an almost daily basis. Education. Which school is right, do you go mainstream or …

Going Green – The Rise in Veganism

  The Western Diet has changed significantly over the years. While we’ve always been a nation of meat lovers, there’s been a huge rise in the number of people ditching the meat and opting for …

Forward planning your Christmas gifting

  As we head into October, you may be starting to wonder when to start your Christmas gifting. Shopping for Christmas gifts is by far one of the most stressful times of the year, especially …

How has your week been?

  Is it Friday already? Literally can’t believe the speed another week has whizzed by. What have you been up to? I feel sad saying that, as usual, my week has been dominated by work …

Teaching a Jude to read

  Reading is something that is vey important to me so naturally, teaching my children to read is high on my agenda. Elsa was an amazing little book worm when she was little, super smart …

Why am I fearful?

  Over the summer holidays, Jude became more and more willing to go out and about as a family. He even came clothes shopping with us one day which for the past several months is …

Back to school!

  Back to school! Well…so far, only one of mine has gone back to school but it’s a start I guess. Elsa and Emmeline go back Thursday. Jude’s school just had a month off for …