2019 Bucket List


I appreciate that bucket lists are usually begun at the start of January. BUT I wanted to test the 2019 water a little to see what kind of feeling we’re getting first of all. Is it going to suck as much as 2018 did? Or is 2019 going to be slightly kinder to my poor weary self? I certainly hope so. It definitely feels better than last year did but I don’t want to jinx anything just yet!


SO, my bucket list. I’m not going to be hugely ambitious because then reality flitters away and nothing gets achieved. Nope, my bucket list is more targets for each month without having challenging time constraints. More like reminders of what I want out of the year. And only focusing on a few of the areas of my life that could do with a little fluffing up or full on modifying. Notions to think about in my day to day life. “What would my bucket list say if it heard me say that?” kind of thing…


2019 is going to be more central-focused and hopefully this bucket list will support me in some of the many, many ways I really need it to.



Self care


  • Read at least five times a week. So far, I’ve been reading on the train into and out of work and it’s really lovely. Thirty five minutes to myself, escaping into another world and just forgetting all my stresses. I love it. I actually look forward to my journey now as I know it means I can read a bit more. I’ve got a list of books already decided that I want to get through over the next couple of months. It would be wonderful to re-ignite my love of reading.


  • Go to bed earlier. I have stupidly early mornings so naturally I need to keep a check of how many hours sleep I get. Last year, my bed time was getting later and later and it just led to me suffering from more migraines than I really should have.


  • Worry less. Ha! I know…I said I wasn’t going to be overly ambitious. This is a big one and certainly something I’m going to need help in achieving. My thought patterns can be irrational, my self-belief is typically around the zero mark and I’m constantly concerned for everyone around me. It’s ridiculous really but it needs to change.




  • I’ve been at my current job only a short while and I panic on a daily basis that I’ve messed something up, I’m not learning quick enough and that I’m not good enough for the job. It’s a hugely technical and complex role and certainly my biggest ever challenge. My target for work is to go at my pace. Learn, take on projects but recognise that I can’t absorb everything in at once.


  • Following on from above, I’m going to write a log of everything I’ve achieved each week so I can prove to myself that I am capable of the job. Even if it’s something tiny then I need to recognise that it’s a step in the right direction.


  • Whilst my career job is fantastic, I also want to focus on my blog a lot more. I feel I’ve neglected it a little for the last few months because of stress and general life but want to correct that and have some sort of plan of action. Be more organised and schedule what I’ll be writing about for the month ahead. I’d love some ideas of what you’d like to read about…


Family Fun

  • My overall goal is always to do what is best for my children. This year, I’d like to take them on a few adventures, even if they are just little ones. I want to visit Scotland and possibly one of the Scottish islands with them. I’ve been to a couple and they’re just so beautiful. I know they’d love being somewhere so pure.


  • Elsa and I have planned a monthly night out together which is fab. She’s growing up so fast yet still needs our time and energy, perhaps even more so as she slowly turns teen on us. She’s excited about this as I know she loves going out just the two of us.


  • I want to explore. See new towns, seasides, take country walks, explore castles or country houses and just spend time together. We don’t even have to go far but just finding new little places we love would be a real treat. Keeping it realistic, my aim is to go on an outing once a month. Elsa has so many sporting events/music things going on, it can be hard to navigate around this! Will try though.


So that’s it, my rather gentle aims for 2019. Have you written a bucket list of ideas for your year? I’d love to hear what they are.




Thank you Jenny from Monkey and Mouse for this fantastic bucket list idea – we have a few overlapping plans so maybe see you on one of those Scottish islands sometime soon!


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