Following last week’s rather irate insistence that the council finally send on the necessary documents (a month later than they could have) to Jude’s new school, I thought I’d document Jude’s final couple of weeks at home. There are so many funny (and sometimes irritating, annoying and repetitive) traits that the boy presents that I really want to capture them on video to study his interaction and communication with the world around him…
Let’s start with what I’d like to call “Dinner with a Jude” – these are a quick snippets into the world of Jude that we experience every flippin day of the week. It’s not fun and it’s certainly not a rapid process. This snippet is the struggle to coax Jude into eating, something, anything!
So thanks to the council for allowing me the honour of an additional month or so of experiencing the struggle of Jude not having the resources we;ve so desperately been working to secure for him. It’s great for our family’s stress levels.
And thank you Elsa for being such an amazing and patient sister.
Please excuse the giant Yorkshire pudding on the left, bad angling!
Stay tuned for more snippets…