admin Archive

Moving to Adult Services

I didn’t want to do this but I’ve been driven to it. There may be a Herts County Council vs Alice take two. Living with a Jude lived dormant for the past however many years. …

Back to square one

    This week, I feel a bit of a wreck. On a few occasions, I genuinely thought I was going to have a breakdown. I think I’ve been slowly getting more and more stressed …

SEN Officer visit

    Yesterday, Jude was visited at school by our SEN Officer. I didn’t even know we had one of these until I called the social care department (again) a fortnight ago and was told that …

It’s all ok

  Before you read the below post I want to make it clear that I am a huge supporter of the NHS. I love our NHS. I think we are really lucky to have this …

Disability Benefits

      Here are some of the conditions that don’t make you “really disabled.”   Have you seen this article above? Clink on the link and have a look. Or if there is too much …

Council Support Worker hours!

    Sorry for the double publishing tonight but I wanted to tell you about the phone call I received today from my new council Case Worker. A bit of background…about a month or so ago, …

Update on Jude’s social care situation

    I realise I haven’t written about my communications with the council a great deal recently. This is partly intentional because a) I don’t want to appear like I’m whinging again and b) I …

Direct Payments

  A while ago I think I mentioned how I was hoping to transfer Jude’s Jubilee House hours into Direct Payments so we could hire a Support Worker for him once a fortnight. Well, as you …

A new Weirdie

Today, Elsa had a play date with a friend who lives quite far away and because she finds us all so embarrassing, we weren’t allowed to stay and had to make ourselves disappear for a couple of …