A few years ago, ok more than that, more like about five years ago I had an allotment plot and Jude, Elsa and I used to go there for some fun, family time together. We’d …
I remember taking Jude to some wonderful horse riding lessons when he was about 5. He had sessions with the lovely people from Riding for the Disabled, a charity that mostly uses volunteers, offering disabled children the opportunity …
On Friday, I thought I’d give the summer camp one last try for Jude. I have never felt completely happy with it as I’m not entirely sure what Jude does all day and I’m also not …
I was sent some products to review from Child’s Farm so wanted to share my thoughts with you all; so far we have used the baby bedtime bubbles, sun cream and baby oil. These are …
I had a very interesting conversation yesterday afternoon with a lady from the council. She works within the Educational Psychology team but was given my message because no-one in the Social Care department was available, …
Two of my favourite pictures of Jude when he was younger… Age 1 1/2 and dressed as a bat for Halloween and the second picture was when he had just turned 3.