As you all know, it took everything I had in me to work out how our council system works, how to ensure Jude had a rock solid team of support around him and finally how to get him the school that will make him the best Jude possible. It wasn’t easy and along the way I have had the honour of meeting, in a virtual sense, a number of people embarking (or fully in the throes) of their own journey through our fantastic social care and educational system. I have had people approach me for ideas on how to start the process of assessment, clueless as to where first to go or who to initially pose their questions to. I have had requests from a few people across the country who do not feel they are particularly skilled at writing letters and have wondered if I could help edit their notes prior to vital council or school meetings. I have even had people ask me what happens following those initial few Panel meetings, how to tackle the next step and what tactics to pursue.
As many of you know, this is chiefly why I started writing a blog in the first place. I love to help people and wanted to build some form of community around our mutual sense of social isolation, our collective fear of the future and wonderment of how we can possibly support our children in the best and most advantageous way.
Now I need your suggestions for something…
As the antithesis for the system of care we have in this country, I want to help as many people as I can. I’ve written a book, I have a second one half way finished that pretty much follows on from the first so I’m hoping these offer some sort of relief and comfort in a soul destroying situation I know so many people are living in. I also hope that these books will open up the minds of people who do not live with a disabled child and that they will offer a minute amount of sapience into world most people do not understand. I don’t mean this in a horrible way, I just want people to understand.
But this isn’t enough. I don’t feel like I am fulfilling my abilities as a helper. I’ve always assisted people, it’s in my nature and I really feel that I’ve been presented with this circumstance so I can support others.
So here’s where I need your advice. How can I do more? Those of you who have disabled children or family members, how can my blog, my writing and my acquired knowledge (and stubbornness) help you in some way? Similarly, those without disabled family members, I need to know what you want from all of this too.
Please either comment below or email me. I’m always here 🙂