New school!



So FINALLY, the day has come where Jude returns to school from the Easter holidays. It’s just for an hour and a half today as I think it will be a lot to take on…a new school full of bigger children, new teachers, new bus driver, literally everything is new. Jude has new shoes, new shorts, new socks which I told him he has to keep on. His uniform hasn’t arrived yet but in the meantime he’s just wearing a plain t shirt and a hoody for comfort.


But this morning Jude coped well with getting dressed and ready. No melt downs, just happiness and whilst I’m sure this won’t be the case for 100% of our mornings, at least he has gone off on day one confident and secure in himself.


In true Jude style, during the past twenty four hours he has asked the following questions at least a million times:

  1. Is it school tomorrow?
  2. Where is Pete? (Jude’s old school taxi driver)
  3. Why? (When I tell him that Pete isn’t driving him any more)
  4. Am I going to MY school? (i.e. his old school)
  5. Why? (when I tell him that no, he’s going to big boy school now with lots of older children.)

And repeat!


So how did he do??

Well, he had a good time. Seemed happy when he came to the reception area with his teacher and told me that they had been in the garden and he’d played on the swing. He has come home with lots of information sheets and a contact book for us to inform the teachers of any useful details and vice versa.



However, I’m still not convinced this is the ideal school for Jude. They have what I consider fairly high standards of work, for example the children have reading records whereas Jude still doesn’t even recognise all the letters of the alphabet. He is certainly one of the less “able” children in the whole school and I just hope this doesn’t start to feel apparent in Jude’s line of vision. Without sounding defeatist on our first day at this setting, I think this school is considered suitable for Jude or “meeting his needs”  to coin a council loved phrase because it means spending less money on him. In reality, this isn’t the best place for him and I know it. The council workers I’m regularly in contact with even know it and have agreed with me yet there is no chance of us transferring him until we’ve first tested the water here.


We’re going to try our best. I’m going to keep regular contact with all the staff to ensure they think the school meets Jude’s needs as apparently this is what I need to prove if I want to ever move Jude. If a school is considered to be adequate educationally then there is no case for me, this is even with taking social care needs into consideration. And those needs of his sisters and parents. And whilst I hope with all my might that this school will help Jude, I’m keeping a close eye on progression and any reports written up on him. I know how to play the game now so will endeavour to make sure Jude is happy and gaining all the experiences he needs within his school life.


First day was a success though so we’re off to a good start 🙂 x




    • admin 24/04/2017

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