Family Archive

2019 Bucket List

  I appreciate that bucket lists are usually begun at the start of January. BUT I wanted to test the 2019 water a little to see what kind of feeling we’re getting first of all. …

Reasons to be grateful

  Each week, as part of my new years resolution to better myself as an individual, I’m going to outline one of my many reasons to be grateful. Sounds a bit twatty but I genuinely …

Five reasons we love Waitrose

Ahhhh Waitrose. The place of much ascending and descending fun for our beloved Jude. I’m not sure if our Waitrose is a particularly special branch of the supermarket or if the traits we witness on …

Top feel good Christmas Movies

I have absolutely zilch energy at the moment and the idea of lying on the couch, eating popcorn and watching good movies is literally my dream right now. But which are the best films to …

How has your week been?

  Is it Friday already? Literally can’t believe the speed another week has whizzed by. What have you been up to? I feel sad saying that, as usual, my week has been dominated by work …

Teaching a Jude to read

  Reading is something that is vey important to me so naturally, teaching my children to read is high on my agenda. Elsa was an amazing little book worm when she was little, super smart …

Sibling love – Jude and Emmeline

  I’ve mentioned it a hundred times but haven’t written a whole post on these two for a while. Jude and Emmeline. What a pair. When they are together, they manage to bring out the …

Things to do during the summer holiday

    I know it’s barely the middle of May but already I’m starting to try and think up plans for the summer holiday. Thankfully, Jude’s school keep it fairly short. He has four weeks …